

Plastic product size instability

Plastic product size instability appearance:
Plastic product cannot keep the precise shape during molding process, size stability is very bad.
The reasons of plastic product size instability:
The plastic product size instability is mainly influenced by injection mould, injection molding process, equipment and material.
Abstract...Articles section
  •  Injection mold
Injection mould rigid is not big enough, mould is deformed after pressuring, and then cavity is deformed too, making plastic product size instability, so we should improve the injection mould rigid.
  •  Injection molding process
If the material filling mould time and holding pressure time are short, material cannot spread evenly, every density is different, making plastic product size instability, so we should prolong the filling mould time and holding pressure time.
  •  Injection equipment
If the injection machine feeding material system is not stable, makes the feeding of material is not stable too, this will lead to the plastic product size instability, so we should inspect the feeding material system.
  • Material
The uneven of the material grain size can also lead to plastic product size instability too.

             Peter  Huang

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