

Seamless high-light carbon fiber molding technology in shaping the application

Seamless high light injection molding mold temperature heating and cooling, also known as rapid prototyping technology RHCM (Rapid Heat Cycle Molding). This is mainly in the injection molding process which leads to forming high-temperature steam, and instantly increase the temperature of the mold is 100 ~ 150 ℃, while, in order to improve production efficiency, heated to high temperatures in the mold, the mold surface should be cooled quickly to 20 ~ 40 ℃ .
High light trace injection molding process: mold type high-temperature water vapor → → → discharge water vapor → injection into the cooling water (cooling) → clear cool water (with high-pressure air cleaning) → the top of the mold → → type together.
Abstract...Articles section Under conditions of high mold temperature, mold temperature is higher than when the material forming the heat distortion temperature, can make the molding material has a high gloss. Meanwhile, the high light trace injection molding technology also eliminates the traditional injection molding process exists weld problems, and eliminates the need for secondary processing of products, can save costs (for example: painting), environmentally friendly energy. In addition, the common injection molding techniques, before joining the GF (GlassFiber, glass fiber), CF (CarbonFiber, carbon fiber), MF (MetalFiber, metal fibers), you can enhance product performance, but the appearance is not very good, and high-light-free marks injection molding technology, due to the mold surface temperature, add the GF, CF, MF products can enter the polymer inside the molding surface crystallization rate increases, the surface is very good, and improve product surface hardness of some help.
Seamless high light mold
Seamless high light mold, high-gloss plastic materials and thermal shock control system is a high light trace injection molding of three main components, which trace the mold is the high light the key and core part of the technology.
Seamless mold is a high light to high-temperature steam as a heating medium through the thermal shock control mold temperature control system, combined with hot runner, valve and timing controller time-sharing into the plastic mold.
Seamless die high light the main features: First, the molding temperature is higher. Higher mold temperature in injection molding will help to eliminate weld lines, flow marks, product defects such as internal stress. Therefore, the mold is heated to be at work, in order to prevent heat loss, usually in the plus side of the fixed mold resin insulation panels; second, the cavity surface is extremely bright (usually mirror 2 or higher). High light mold to produce the product can be directly used for assembly of the machine, without any surface treatment, so the process of mold steel and plastic material requirements are high; Third, the hot runner system, hot mouth more (usually 6 to 8 mouth, sometimes more). Each heat seal the mouth with a needle and there must be independent of the airway, through the solenoid valve and timing controller to be controlled separately, to achieve time-sharing into the plastic, so as to achieve control, or even eliminate the weld.
Seamless high light injection molding technology to mold some basic requirements: the inner surface of the mold requires very high finish to ensure that the product surface quality. Open channels within the mold must be reasonable, to ensure rapid heating and cooling. Mold inside the pipe should be good thermal conductivity. As the production process need to keep heating and cooling, the mold need to use high-quality steel. In the course of the mold to be particular emphasis on maintenance, to ensure that dry, dust-free.
In addition, the high performance of light and life no trace of mold and mold steel used has a direct relationship between the plastic mold parts due to their different working conditions, external influences is not the same situation, so the steel in addition to the basic requirements, but also the focus. For example, the mold cavity of large high-gloss plastic steel, requires a good addition to cutting, electrical discharge machining and welding performance, but also need to have excellent optical and spin cast high hardness and other characteristics. This not only forming a bright surface appearance of the product, but also can reduce the wear of plastic on the cavity surface, both to extend die life and reducing the injection pressure protects the injection molding machine. The current flat-panel TV to use different processing conditions, process equipment, high-performance with high light Seamless steel mold POLMAX, LKM838H, LKM818H, S-STAR (A), NAK80, STAVAXS136, STAVAXS136H, OPTIMAX, X13T6W (236), X13T6W (236H) and so on.

        Peter    Huang

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