

PET blow molding process common problems and solutions

PET blow molding process common problems and solutionsUndesirable phenomena resolve method
Forming is not fullCapacity is too small1, Inflation pressure increase2, to extend the duration of action of air blown3, to improve die performance of the exhaust4, reducing the discharge time5, preform temperature increase6, due to lower mold temperature7 to prevent seal leakage8, to extend the molding cycle time
Too large section 1, increasing the mold temperature2, lower Inflation pressure3, reduce molding cycle time4, gasket replacement capacity5, to extend the discharge time
Punctured1, stretching rod misalignment2, billet heating pipe deformation resulting in uneven thickness3, decreasing Inflation pressure to reduce the expansion rate of the preform4, selection of high viscosity or preform stretch ratio suitableStick mode1, lower mold temperature2, lower preform temperature3, to extend the cooling time4, to extend the discharge time
Products worse surface roughness, pitting, orange peel pattern, dents, etc. (low gloss)1, check whether there is mold forming surface scratches and bumps are not polished in place of2, check the cavity of vent3, compressed air contains water (oil) were to replace the standard filter, periodic emissions of air compressor storage4 Inflation pressure increase, increasing the injection rate5, increasing the mold temperature (such as mold temperature should increase to try to reduce plant moisture) to reduce the mold cooling water to avoid condensation in the cavity appears6, reducing the amount of release agent injection7, a gradual increase in preform temperature, but should avoid excessiveProducts, some or all of the surface of white (pearl white)1, increase the heat blank time, the billet temperature increase2, lower fan power3, increasing the mold temperature4, due to lower pre-blow pressureProducts, some or all of the surface whitish (milky)1, shortening the preform heating time, to avoid crystallization2, check the chiller temperature and flow rate is inadequate3, the furnace is defective hair dryer4, lower mold temperatureCircumferential non-uniform thickness1, pole bending or stretching center2, pre-blowing point of blowing too much pressure too early or pre-3, non-uniform mold temperature of about4, the preform eccentricity or uneven thickness5, furnace pivot swing tooUneven wall thickness longitudinal1, adjusting the heater lamp power2, adjusting the angle of the pre-blow pressure and pre-blow3, adjusting the furnace fan power4, check out the pre-blown bottles have the phenomenon of packet bar5, the bottle hard part is there a pre-blow pressure is too small or too late to pre-blowing hornClamping joints bad (too big)1, clean up the mold parting surface of the exhaust ducts2 and improve the clamping force to check whether the gas leak compensation3, lower Inflation pressure4, check the die guide post, guide sleeve with the situationGate forming bit right (in the preform bottom and bottom right)1, the stretch rod and the mold cavity at the end of the gap is too large2, the delay angle of the main blow3, pre-blow pressure to reduce or delay the pre-blowing angle4, the mold assembly misalignment, checked at the end of the cavity mold base and the relative position5, pole bending or stretching center6, the preform temperature is too high7, the preforms are eccentric or uneven thickness8, check if there are problems stretching cylinder
            Peter Huang

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