

Are you a carrot, coffee or egg

A daughter father complain about her life, complaining about everything so hard. She did not know how to deal with life, want to give up on themselves the. She was tired of fighting and struggling, just like a problem solved, new problems have emerged.
Her father was a chef, he took her into the kitchen. His first three pot to pour some water, then put them each on a burn. Soon the pot of water boil. Guo Lifang him to a more carrots, second only to the pot into the egg, the last one into the coffee pot. He immersed them in boiling water, without saying a word.Abstract...Articles section Daughter, Zaza Zui, impatiently waiting, wondering what his father did. About 20 minutes later, he closed the fire, remove the carrots to put into another bowl, and then again to scoop a cup of coffee. Once this is done, he turned and asked his daughter, "Honey, you see?" "Carrots, eggs, coffee," she answered. He let her near her to feel more and carrots. She did and noted that they become soft. Father letting his daughter to take an egg and break it. Stripped of the shell, she saw that a boiled egg. Finally, he let her sip coffee. Taste of coffee, her daughter laughed. She scared voice asked: "Father, what this means?"
He explained that these three things facing the same adversity - boiling water, but the response varies. The carrot went in strong before, solid, no weakness; but to enter the water, it softened, and became weak. Eggs turned out to be fragile. Its thin outer shell protected its liquid offal was. However, a cook by boiling water, its internal organs hardened. The coffee beans is very unique, into the boiling water, they changed the water down. "Which is that you?" He asked his daughter.
"When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg or coffee bean?" You, my friend, you seem tough, but the pain and adversity encountered shrink, and become weak and the , lost the power of carrots it? You are the original plastic eggs inside it? First character you love and uncertain, but after a death, break up, divorce or unemployment, is not becoming stronger, and become a stubborn? Your case seems past, but you are not a result of strong character and has become severely hard of heart? Or do you like coffee? Beans painful changes of boiling water to it, and it reaches 212 degrees Fahrenheit heat it gives off when the best flavor. The most hot water, it taste better. If you like coffee, you will be when the worst case, becomes promising, and change the situation around and make good.

Crisis began, before learning
When winter is over, we have reason to believe the whole world will be in the new world situation. Your business in the whole pattern will be in where? Can winter be your opportunity, you are coffee beans, carrots or eggs it?In the winter, in addition to making a good business strategy for the winter, reduce costs and improve overall performance, the company should do? I remember the "Book of Rites • Mean" ninth chapter says: "erudite, interrogation of, the deliberative, discernment, Dusing's." Although this is to study at several levels, or a few progressive stage. But I believe that this sentence should have a real financial crisis also taught the meaning of its:
First, let us re-understand the crisis of self, look at themselves, understand their strengths and weaknesses threats and opportunities;
Secondly, the crisis so that we understand the world from a broader range of spatial (vertical and horizontal) know the location;
Third, the crisis so that we know the future, to know where our future direction? How to? How to?
Empirical management in China does not lack, the lack of effective management, administration and management of spiritual culture. "Knowledge and Action", the first is the cognitive thinking; crisis into an opportunity, the key is thinking of progress. Wen also stressed in his speech at Cambridge University, to respond effectively to this crisis, we must attach great importance to the role of morality. Entrepreneurs not only to become effective managers, should become the mainstream of society and the times. Thus, we advocate the financial crisis in 2009, it should be entrepreneurs in the first year of study.

Learning to improve "mental models"
• Peter Senge in "The Fifth Discipline in the" second practice is "to improve the mental model." The so-called mental models, that is, people around the world to explore the process, based on his unique experience on the environment, and slowly developed an understanding of underlying structure, so that the individual intentionally or unintentionally produce some of the expectations of the outside world, can help individuals faster response to social events. Figure 1-1 below, we can understand the definition and role of mental models.   

Three decades of reform and opening up, Chinese entrepreneurs and the market in the particular historical context, to seize the opportunities for development, the formation of each company's unique "mental models." This "mental models" determine the unique business management thinking, decided to develop corporate strategy, corporate governance, and cultural patterns. Lang Hong Kong well-known scholar in the "Business Review" 2008 8 "Entrepreneurs do not learn wise" wrote: analysis of many Chinese companies like China is now bigger and stronger, and opportunistic way, like a small probability event. Most of them have 500 of morbid psychology, wanted to do a certain stage after the world's top 500 .... This text vividly describes the growth of many of China's reform and opening up a unique enterprise, "mental models." However, "as also mental models, mental models also defeated." Many entrepreneurs in the rapid multiplication of wealth at the same time, it is the lack of moral failure and spiritual - "advocating reading useless" indulgent desire, loss of responsibility, and hence the Anhui company executives kangaroo courts of a home event, the domestic Rich was custodial ... .... In addition, rapid changes in knowledge, the fierce external competition, the development of enterprises and their employees need to raise the level of knowledge, most entrepreneurs get to know the structure of its own, the realm of thinking has been "inadequate", not even logical interpretation of certain phenomena, a barrier knowledge and skills within the enterprise can not be transformed into productive forces. Summed up, it all stems from "mental models hedge."

For entrepreneurs and managers, the personal charisma to form from the years of practice: certain amount of knowledge structure, in which a deep understanding of the industry; fragrance emitted charisma, respect for the employees from the heart, become subordinate to follow the example of ; system and logical views and ideas, and in some respects unique insight. These are the established leaders authority to shape the basic elements of business leaders.

Mental models is a knowledge and value systems of two parts. Reading not only enriches the knowledge of entrepreneurs, but also self-cultivation, Bacon said "knowledge can shape the personality." Wang Chao Yong (ChinaEquity chairman) said that entrepreneurs are society's public figures, their behavior has a great demonstration effect. Flaunt wealth in the era of heroes, their love of books shows that the wealth of material wealth is not the only hero. Ning also believe that reading is actually an extension of his life: "You could've been someone else's life, your life will be more full of some." Shiseido founder Fukuhara Fukuhara family, meaning the spring, the study ranging from social best-selling book to date the original French philosophy, aesthetics, to the latest trends in the United States works, and many more are involved. Toshiba's Nishida, president of the world is the special ability to read people. No matter how late home, Nishida president will be buried a few hours reading books, and a few books, several aspects of the book while reading. Travel to China, Nishida his wife, secretary to prepare for him a large bag of books, regardless of where the journey becomes a special reading time.

Learning, in fact, is the company's strategy
"Either learn, or die." This is a foreign one best-selling magazine cover title. Learning from the reading began. Management is the effective management of internal and external resources, so that the profitability of the process. From a strategic point of view, companies must not only profitable, but also in the fierce competitive environment, sustainable, must have its own development strategy. Figure 1-2 can be understood by mental model, management thinking on the importance of enterprise development.

First, the source of business management thinking in three ways:
First, experience and trial and error learning; experience is a major source of ideas. And in our mental models that are included in most of the content is a product of trial and error learning; second, to imitate; many of our beliefs and understanding attitude from the observation, then re-accepted attitudes and beliefs and understanding of others. In addition to the actual practice we learn more from reading. Third, creativity. Creativity and imagination for new ideas or beliefs include a new mental models and understanding the development of new materials.
We can say that China does not lack of "management thinking" in the first source - experience and trial and error learning, imitation of the lack of a second point, the main source is through education. From a higher point of view, in fact, not only reading strategies of individual entrepreneurs, but also about corporate strategy.

Reading is a way of learning, which not only reading, but also to read books. Qi is the chairman of China Enterprise Co., Miss Lei Jufang, like reading. One of the most favorite Weiying the "King of economic growth," this book for entrepreneurs, status, functions, quality, and created the conditions for entrepreneurship and innovation, among other issues more clearly; another Tibetan Buddhism important book, "weapon wheel" to teach you learn the vagaries of the world Vientiane "life skills Dharma." From these books, she found the business idea, and realize the fundamental business. AsiaInfo Holdings, James Ding, the former chairman of favorite reading two books, one English original of the "selfish gene", one "Chuang Tzu."

Strategy is to enable companies to obtain the persistence of competitive advantage, and therefore do not read can not compete. Looking at today's competition every game is a new concept of competition and learning pace of the competition. Statistics show that in the agricultural economy, human only takes 7 to 14 years of learning can handle the work ahead; in the industrial economy era, the human extension of learning time is 5 to 22 years old; And today, we have entered the knowledge economic times, the human only by adhering to life-long learning in order to adapt to the development needs of society. This indicates that long stretches of history, "one-time learning time" has an end, academic education has been replaced by life-long education. UNESCO in the world significance of "learning to survive," a book, that "lifelong learning is the concept of 21st century living." General Secretary Hu "in the seventh plenary session of the CCDI's important speech," that: "To work hard, apply their knowledge, firmly establish the idea of ​​lifelong learning." Former U.S. President Bill Clinton said in a speech: "lifelong Learning is the success of the knowledge economy, if we achieve this goal, it will burst into unlimited opportunities, and change the future of each young man. "So, keep reading, keep learning has been called the global consensus.In addition, competition for resources is essentially the integration of innovation, which requires the entrepreneur with a keen insight and forward-looking vision. • Bill Gates in his first book "The Road Ahead", the proposed view: commercial assignment in order to grasp the principle of only one thing: learning. The fastest and best way to beat our competitors is how to learn faster and better than the other, the stage is a learning rate, who learn faster, learn to adapt to the market, learn about the needs of society, to learn how to do this business learn how to validate the product line, learn how to develop business, who will become the winner, and complete a work, the development of the enterprise in order to jump to a healthy 21st century.

Three years later, is up to you to decide today. Crisis will soon be over, how will the crisis into an opportunity once in a century, the key is to learn your unremitting force. Learning is your strategy, but also corporate strategy.
Peter  Huang

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