

The southern end of the mysterious Himalayan tribes Cheng

Cheng Cheng Palestinian people known to live in Tibet Nyingchi Zayu County, there are currently more than 1,300 people. Deng's past has been living in deep forests, living a slash and burn, the implementation of the trading system of polygamous marriage, the original life. After the peaceful liberation of Tibet, the government invited them down, the sub-fields to construct the building and began to live a settled life, growing crops. Deng who dress very characteristic: a woman often wear a pair of silver long eardrum, the amount of wearing protection, items hanging beads or silver, to wear skirts, barefoot; black men Appetizers Pa, wearing silver earrings.
" title="">As social and economic development, tribal people gradually over the past Deng lived a life of modern civilization.
... Cheng Cheng who chieftains Alu Song is in the outside world "business card", he granted the village the richest most powerful people. This court room, a wall from his home of 50 Tau shiny oil can be seen.Tau in the Deng people a symbol of wealth, a wife must Tau for dowry, the young man too poor to take if someone's not a cow, it had only bachelor. Alu Song said he often invited the village poor, slaughter of cattle to eat, and then the cow skull hanging up.

Cheng clothing and people of all ethnic groups in Tibet are very differentAnd, like every Deng, Alu Song wear from birth have a hunting knife, long and narrow, cross around his waist. Alu Song proud of so far is that he is the only approved the knife into the Great Hall of the people.Cheng Messenger's long list of people who are their exclusive silver decorations. The Alu Song to take over the look of silver who discovered actually pounds, "This is only the chiefs have," he said, "is ancestral." Alu Song of Duxibulin family is from India over the side of migration.
Deng's practices are in conflict with the outside world is changing. Alu Song of the seven wives, "and later to join the party, when the CPPCC National Committee members," Alu Song now leaving only the youngest wife, but the knee there are 25 children. Motorcycles roaring past a village, the young man followed the car is a huge dragon music Houchu song.Alu Song's wife and granddaughter for everyone to do hand pilaf, but with the chopsticks and spoon, per person $ 50."This may be Deng's last chieftains," and Nyingchi a starched white shirt looked Tibetan cadres, but also do a chest emblem of Alu Song said with emotion.

How to find Deng people?1, Zayu County, Zayu is Deng's main settlements. Zayu under 70 km away from the Zayu county, the county every day, a group of Zayu Zayu shuttle bound for the next, starting 8:00, 15:00 return, per person per ticket 30 yuan; can also be chartered in the county Zayu go back and forth 300.2, to get in under the Zayu Zayu County Public Security Bureau for border passes, people came from 10 minutes to run.3, under the bridge to walk through Zayu, the bridge must not take pictures.4, the next Zayu can buy redwood bowl, each $ 25. In addition, Zayu rice, mushrooms are very cheap. Wild parrots are sold on the street who strike up a conversation with you, do not ignores, selling wild parrots is illegal, even if you bought a can with no success.


Women are not allowed to eat meatCheng childhood were eight or nine women from the beginning when wearing a skirt, her parents' strict discipline is necessary, not allowed to eat beef, pork and chicken (but praised rat meat, sparrow, fish, pheasants are not within the prohibition law), otherwise, should be condemned by public opinion, was accused of "meat of the woman", which Deng people women, is the greatest shame. Not until after the birth to three or four children allowed her to eat meat.

 Cheng opium of people in the past, most for the exchange of goods, some reserved for self-pumping. Now Deng people have quit the habit to smoke opium, mostly male cigarette pumping, pumping women to grow their own tobacco, tobacco stems will usually love in his mouth, they use tobacco stems long, can folded into two, smoke made of silver or copper rod. Women who have a special back pocket, full bloom tobacco stems, tobacco boxes, matches, etc. Deng people like to drink, drinking tea like water, they will be brewed into a sweet and sour rice wine, this wine often entertain guests.Bamai cattleCheng cattle were fed Bamai tall robust, the exchange is said to come from India. Bamai cow is Deng's main property, marriage to the woman home for the main materials employed. Someone under the eaves hanging Bamai cow skull, the more shows off by the respect of others. Cheng cows a lot of people, but still no milk butter habit.Polygamous marriages saleIn the past, Deng's marriage system are a number of Bamai man to cattle, pigs or shotgun and other property, through a matchmaker to marry woman home. From a woman's worth more than ten Bamai Bamai cattle to cattle range. Not necessarily marriage ceremony, married the woman in the next, the woman must be sending home a number of chickens, mice, sparrows, etc. Woman after marriage to become the private property of her husband, and only engaged in agricultural production and housework duties, there is no power to dispose of property. Cattle and other property as long as man can have several wives to buy, because there is no Bamai cattle poor households often can not get married for life. Polygamy Cheng family, the wife of the husband living room is covered in each twelve long room, kitchen pond self-reliance, respectively, planting, feeding and give her husband the land and livestock, their harvesting and storage, self-contained economic units. In which his wife at her husband decided to stay, he will bear skins hanging on the back of her door, his wife should treat each other with the guests. Her husband's death, access to switch rooms the same surname, that is passed on to her husband's brother or nephew, or even other wives also be passed on to her husband's son, but not allowed to pass on Uncle Peter elders. Now Deng who has been basically implemented a monogamous marriage.Deng's last name isDeng's no written records of history, said their last name is the first residence of the naming of names. Surname to form a group of shared forest, each inherited property, discuss their marriage together or other disputes. There is a common surname to the surname mutual assistance and the obligation of revenge. Surname prohibited intermarriage. Surname adult men died, stopped working about four days to show mourning. Now Deng is a man named concept is very weak, all rely on the production team.

Slash and burn methods of productionIn the past, Deng people living in the deep forests of the hillside, with a slash and burn cultivation of corn production. When food is not enough, it hunting or leaves, wild plants to eat. Now most people have moved Cheng plateau mountain living, use of iron tools, in addition to continuing their corn, but also cultivated layers of terraced fields, planting upland rice, barley, chicken feet valley, potato, etc., and also kinds of vegetables .Smoking and drinking
There are no written languageCheng Cheng who have language, is a Tibeto-Burman. No text, to carved wooden tie knots, put grass sticks, branches to remember. Please join as a person five days later to send ghost worship, it sent a five knot the name of the rope, another example, the two sides to find someone to judge a dispute, the judge who speak a reason to put a long stick or tree branch grass , put the more reason, says the more abundant. Difference between their concept of numbers, a production team leader admission ages 50 to 60 years old. Cheng person no calendar, lack of full moon in months of January to corn maturity season of the year. Now Deng people have run from the school, mainly to learn TibetanBurial systemCheng burial were originally bent limbs, and later the implementation of cremation, the body bent limb about 2 meters high on the wood heap, cremation, had three four days later left the bone taken out from the ashes buried, cremated and no fixed venue . Taboo to mention the name of the deceased after death. Now Deng cremation to burial by the people and, with wooden nail into the coffin in the earth surface without burial mounds. , The production team are generally sent to the mainland accounting specialist learning.

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